Kiln Dried Ash

Kiln Dried Ash hardwood is perhaps the most popular choice as it is naturally low in moisture, gives off good heat, and burns well with little sparking. It is sustainably sourced from managed woodlands and because of its low moisture content (less than 20%), it gives the maximum heat output and cleanest burn. To get your fire to burn longer, try using a combination of Ash and Oak firewood.

Our high-quality logs are typically sized 25-30cm and come in different sized crates and bags – perfect for whatever your hardwood fuel needs are and can be delivered by a friendly and accommodating team.

We pride ourselves on our fast and hassle-free delivery, which we off free of charge to our customers.

The firewood is delivered to our customers in these convenient wooden crates or bags so as to keep them tidy and easy to store in your garden and our Moffett Mounty forklift is ideal for getting your crates of firewood into any hard to reach areas when delivering. The wood burns better the drier it is, so be sure to have somewhere that the firewood won’t get damp!

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