GPS Fertiliser Spreading

GPS Fertiliser Spreading Tractor

This system is worked by GPS Satelite Navigation and is fully automatic with both section and border control.

It provides you, the farmer with accurate amounts of product applied to your land in kgs and can give you savings of 10-12% on your annual fertilizer bill.

Add to this the confidence that you are applying an even spread throughout your land with improved crop yields and GPS fertiliser spreading is something you should investigage.

No more going over repeated tracks or wasted use of fertiliser as with GPS you know exactly what you have covered and get your spreading done in a shorter period of time

With our own delivery service, we can offer the option to supply and spread on either the home or outside the farm.

We will take care of all your fertilizer requirements on silage, grazing and tillage ground.

Advantages of GPS Fertiliser Spreading

  • COSTS: Reduces fertiliser costs as you only spread where it is needed.  No repeated spreading
  • TIME: Faster distribution of fertiliser by elimination of going over tracks multiple times.
  • ACCURACY: Spread fertilsier earlier as you don’t  need to see the tracks above to spread


Call us for a free quote today on:
087 9552174 or 087 2569372

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