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MasterCal Bedding Lime

195.00 Excluding Delivery

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MasterCAL Bedding Lime is a unique product specifically designed
for use as bedding material in livestock stalls. It is formulated to give
high levels of bacteria control whilst minimising the risk of inflammation
or burns that may be a problem with other treatments.

The blend of high purity limestone and hydrated lime will aid the
prevention of environmental mastitis by rapidly raising the pH level
in the stall up to 12.4 (depending on the dilution factor). At levels
greater than pH 10 bacterial growth is severely inhibited, affecting the
enzymes and causing the bacteria cell to denature.



Ready made blend
Reduces disease & infection
Reduces the risk of burns to livestock
Aids in the reduction of lameness in housed livestock
Can help prevent environmental mastitis
Highly absorbent
Inorganic – inhospitable to mould or fermentation
Raises the pH of effluent / slurry (for spreading)
No risk of hydrogen sulphide
Saves material
Labour saving (less stall maintenance)

Cost Factors

Labour Savings – A research study has shown that free-stall maintenance with a bedding lime requires about 38% less labour
(time) per month compared with most organic bedding materials. At today’s labour costs this will show considerable savings.

Product Profile

• Calcium carbonate
• Hydrated lime
• Dry, with less than 0.5% moisture
• Bulk Density: 1 tonne per cubic metre
• Particle Size: 90% passing 0.1mm
Dosage Rate & Method of Use
Typically you should use a dosage rate of:
• 500g per cubicle per day
• 500g per m2 in calf / lambing pens
• 500g per m2 around poultry housing / pens



For Cork county deliveries, please specify on the order form if you require the Moffett Mounty forklift for any hard to reach areas.

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