What Is Kiln Dried Firewood?

Kiln dried firewood is firewood with a 15-20% moisture content.  Low moisture in any wood means that it burns hotter and longer than that with higher percentages of moisture.  A common misconception is that all woods burn equally well or that if it is dry to the touch then that is sufficient.

So when the term kiln dried is used it means making wood more suitable for burning.  Unseasoned wood like newly cut logs does not make a great fule and even if you never buy kiln-dried fule logs should ideally be kept in a dry environment for a period of time under a wood cover ideally for 6-12 months to improve its burning capability

Kiln-dried wood is dried out in ovens to remove moisture to low level so that it burns well and longer thatn traditional “green” logs.

Some moisture is left of course as wood needs some moisture to retain shape and store well. A traditional “green” log and contains higher levels of moisture and is cheaper. burns faster with less heat and is often used in a family living room fire.

For those looking for a more intense heat often for a kitchen stove kiln dried is the best and preferred alternative.

15-20% has been found to be perfect moisture percentage for people looking for the ideal wood for stoves and ovens as burns more efficiently and generates great heat for cooking and for normal heating in a home as well.

The most popular woofs for this type of kiln process are Oak, Ash, and birch.  Kiln Dried Oak is by far the best as oak is the hardest wood of the three and when dried out it delivers amazing heat as well as a unique scent if used on an open fire.  Both Kiln Dried Ash and Kiln Dried Birch are also very popular and slightly cheaper to buy and buying a bale of these can often last you through a mild winter for heat and perhaps your cooking needs depending on how much usage you make of your oven or fire.

The kiln dried firewood that we deliver can be stacked easily and cleanly as it is cut in equal blocks and is not like your traditional log which can be in different sizes.  Many of our customers often choose to buy a cover for their firewood to stop it from getting wet as it can be stored outside and kept dry during the year.


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